SuiteCRM Monthly Roundup - January 2024

What a start to the new year we have had, busily preparing for the year ahead.

First up is the latest maintenance release, which is scheduled to be available in the next few days, before focusing on the next feature release, 8.6.

Secondly, we have started to plan for future releases and updated the Roadmap to show the new timeline of both SuiteCRM 7 and 8.

To read more of what we have planned, check out our latest blog post here


Thank you :tada:

Really excited for key aims of v8.6 :star_struck: :crossed_fingers: :dizzy:


Thanks for the roundup!

With “Installation: Easier install process” does it also mean easier migration from 7 to 8 ?

Hi @holdusback!

These changes mentioned on the roadmap are just for the regular install process both through the UI an the cli.

On the UI we are adding a new requirements pre-check page, that is going to do some more checks and warn users of missing configurations/dependencies before they install. Among other things checking if the app and the graphql api are accessible, to try to avoid the issues people are having when they are missing mod_rewrite.

The cli will also have part of those pre-checks.


Is there any update for Joomla portal using Joomla 5 now? Joomla 5 is very fast, stable, secure and easy fast to set up.

hmm I see there is only Wordpress addon but the Joomla portal is very very old for Joomla 3 and now Joomla 5 is long time released… Comparision Joomla and Wordpress there is still a lot more pro users for Joomla I guess?

Forum users are talking about how to upgrade portal to joomla 5 compatibility:

SuiteCRM 8.6 is out? :thinking: