SuiteCRM integrated in Google Apps

Is it possible to configure SuiteCRM so that it works integrated in Google Apps Email from within Chrome?

This would allow my users to create client records from the browser interface. I have tried using the connector from in SugarCRM with no luck. (Asked their support several times but they didn’t bothered to give me an answer once I have configured it all and it still didn’t work: configured everything both on Google Apps Admin and adding the module in Sugar)

Do you have a working alternative for using with SuiteCRM that accomplishes this?


P.S. The attached image shows how far i got with Sugar-Apps thingo (doesn’t leave the hanging state, being unable to communicate with the SugarCRM installation):

Hi there,

There isn’t currently a solution like this for SuiteCRM. We would suggest you keep trying to contact their support team as this is not something we can support.



Hi Will and thanks for your reply.
Is there a list of compatible modules/apps with SuiteCRM?
(In this particular case, do you know if that module is compatible with SuiteCRM?)

Thanks again,

P.S. Yet another inquiry: Do you know of any module/app/gadget for MS-Outlook or other email client that would integrate with SuiteCRM, as explained above?

Hi jgaspar,

There is a plugin called Opacus which can sync emails with Outlook/Thunderbird. This may suit your needs.



Hi again Will,

Still getting back to this thread.

Thanks for your feedback. Do you know if Opacus compatible with SuiteCRM as well? Or only with SugarCRM?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. Is there a chance that SugarApps will work with SuiteCRM (since the codebase is the same)?

Hi jgaspar,

Opacus will be compatible with SuiteCRM. If you experience any issues with Opacus and Suite, please visit the opacus forums for assistance to see if your issue has been highlighted and if not post on our forums.




I’ve tried Collabspot and it seems to be working fine.
