SuiteCRM Installation: pre-requisites issue


This is my first post on this CRMforum, so let me start with my introduction. I am Prashant from Mumbai, INDIA. I am an IT guy by profession, however new to CRM world. And, looking to forward to dive in to cosmos of CRM. So, need some guideline/support from your expertise.

I have been trying to setup/install SuiteCRM, however, facing with pre-requisites validation. Following are my infrastructure details,

SuiteCRM-7.2.2 MAX

Windows XP (32-bit)

While installing SuiteCRM, System Check Acceptance throwing below error, (also attached screen shot,


PHP Version

Your version of PHP is not supported by SuiteCRM. You will need to install a version that is compatible with the SuiteCRM application. Please consult the Compatibility Matrix in the Release Notes for supported PHP Versions. Your version is 5.2.16 )

Database unavailable

Database Support was not found. Please make sure you have the necessary drivers for one of the following supported Database Types: MySQL or MS SQLServer. You might need to uncomment the extension in the php.ini file, or recompile with the right binary file, depending on your version of PHP. Please refer to your PHP Manual for more information on how to enable Database Support.

MB Strings Module

Functions associated with the Multibyte Strings PHP extension (mbstring) that are needed by the SuiteCRM application were not found.

Generally, the mbstring module is not enabled by default in PHP and must be activated with --enable-mbstring when the PHP binary is built. Please refer to your PHP Manual for more information on how to enable mbstring support.

ZIP Handling Module

ZIP support not found: SuiteCRM needs ZIP support in order to process compressed files.

As these errors state: You need a newer version of php. You also need a database such as mysql installed. Zip handling aswell and mbstrings turned on.