SuiteCRM installation not possible: Composer not available on Strato webspace

I tried to install SuiteCRM Version 7.11.4 on Strato Webspace. Call of /install.php leads to the message „Composer autoloader not found. please run “composer install”. Divergent to SuiteCRM manual ( installation of this version needs the tool “composer”.
Unfortunately the tool “composer” is not available on Strato webspace. Strato service sent me the following message:
“Bedauerlicherweise lässt sich im Shared Webhosting Composer nicht nutzen.
Hier ist ein Wechsel auf einen Rootserver, dediziert oder virtuell, empfohlen. Dieser wird von Ihnen selbst administriert und Sie können daher festlegen, welche Programme auf diesem laufen sollen.”
Short in english: Rent an (expensive) rootserver.

I tried a second solution using the tool “installatron” ( without success.

My question:
Is there any other possibility, to install SuiteCRM on Strato webspace without composer?
E.G. manualy, using install.php like in older SuiteCRM versions?

Where did you get the SuiteCRM source from? The full package should bring a complete “vendor” dir (which is what composer does) so you don’t strictly need composer to get all the 3rd party software (although updates might be slightly more complicated).

That error you got in installation, is it just a warning or does it keep you from proceeding with the installation?

>> “Where did you get the SuiteCRM source from?”

Source-URL for download of SuiteCRM V7.11.4 was
Now I see a Zip file (V.7.11.7), which is 12 MB larger then downloaded file.
Maybe the download was not complete.

>>That error you got in installation, is it just a warning or does it keep you from proceeding with the installation?

Message “Composer autoloader not found. please run composer install” kept me from proceeding.

I will try the new version V.11.4 and then tell the result.

Hello pgr,

I downloaded the actual SuiteCRM version (7.11.7) and now it woirks well.
Probably there was a problem with old downloaded zip file.

Thank you very much for your prompt an helpful support

Always download latest from, then click on downloads, then choose your latest LTS or GA.