SuiteCRM Database Configuration problem

Hello, I downloaded SuiteCRM but I’m having problems during the installation process, specifically in “Database configuration” section.

Obviously the “crm” database was created as well as the “crmadmin” user. I can not understand what the problem is, the error that returns is as follows:

[color=#ff0000]The provided database host, username, and/or password is invalid, and a connection to the database could not be established. Please enter a valid host, username and password[/color]

Database: mysql Ver 8.0.13 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)
OS: CentOS 7
Kernel: 3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64
php version: 7.0.33



bind-address =
port = 3306

I also tried to make a remote connection (i’ve changed localhost to the workstation’s ip) to the database using the specified user and it works properly. Thanks in advance, Juri

Which version of SuiteCRM is this?

Are you installing yourself, or did you use any package install (Softaculous, etc)?

Normally you shouldn’t pre-create the database, the installer takes care of that. You just need to give it valid credentials.

Try connecting to MySQL from the command-line with those credentials to check they’re working as you expect.

Hi, I’m installing SuiteCRM version 7.10.11 by myself, without additional software.

I already tried the installation process without creating the database and the user before.

The connection from the terminal (mysql -u crmadmin -p crm) works correctly.

I think I found the problem: SuiteCRM does not support mysql80 but only up to mysql 5.7.

Maybe it is only this simple problem, if so, you should see that error in your web server log:


I have the same problem I can not install the latest version of suitecrm 7.11 but can not connect to the database. I have done this procedure several times but now it does not work. I use PHP version 5.6.3 on a linux server on which I have installed several instances of suitecrm.

Suitecrm.log: [FATAL] Could not connect to DB server localhost as xxxxxxx. port : Access denied for user xxxxxxxt’ to database ‘xxxxxxx’

Any other idea of the problem or solution.

Thank you.

Hello, what database are you using and what version?

Best regards, Juri

Hello Juri,

MySQL 5.6.39

Thank you.

I also need to know the operating system you are using. I was able to solve the problem using version 5.7 of MySQL, however it seems that your problem is a little bit different.


it is CENTOS 6.10.

Thank you.


I deleted the instance and returned to restore the instance again and now it works normally.

Thank you.

Sorry the problem has not been solved. there was a confusion with another version.

Using data from the database with another version it works but trying to install version 7.11 does not work. I get a communication error with the database.

Thank you.

check the compatibility matrix here

best regards