SuiteCRM Dashlet

Hello i have post a few days ago my question is SuiteCRM Dashlet have or NOT dashlet??? because my Dashlet dont work…

Hi there,

There are already topics open for the add dashlets/tabs issues which we will resolve in future bug fix releases.



meanwhile recommended what tool do you recomend?

Hi there,

Add tabs/dashlets work. If you are having problems post your specific setup and we will attempt to resolve your issue.



What setting you need and where i can find it.

Hi there,

Your Server/MySQL/PHP version. If you are running linux/centos/windows/mac etc.



im losing all my hope with SuiteCRM :frowning:

Hi there,

What issues are you experiencing? Can you detail your Server/MySQL/PHP details?



Went i create a Opportunities i can save without “Expected Close Date”
2- Account Name the autofield dont work
3- Dashlead popup a windows that said FAIL

Versión del cliente de base de datos: libmysql - 5.0.96
extensión PHP: mysq

Servidor: Localhost via UNIX socket
Programa: Percona Server
Versiones de programa: 5.5.32-31.0-log - Percona Server (GPL), Release rel31.0, Revision 549
Versión del protocolo: 10
Conjunto de caracteres del servidor: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

System Environment
PHP Version 5.2.17
XML Parsing OK
MB Strings Module OK
Writable SuiteCRM Configuration File (config.php) OK
Writeable Custom Directory OK
Writable Modules Sub-Directories and Files OK
Writable Upload Directory OK
Writable Data Sub-Directories OK
Writable Cache Sub-Directories OK
PHP Memory Limit OK (128M)
ZLIB Compression Module OK
ZIP Handling Module OK
PCRE Library OK
IMAP Module OK
cURL Module OK
Upload File Size OK
Sprite Support OK
PHP allows to use stream (upload://) OK
Location of your PHP configuration file (php.ini): /usr/local/php52/lib/php.ini

To Setup Crontab Note: In order to run Sugar Schedulers, add the following line to the crontab file:

          • cd /home/domain/public_html/suite; php -f cron.php > /dev/null 2>&1

@Will here is the Error on Dashlet