SuiteCRM_Captcha plugin not workin

we are using suitecrm Version 7.11.10
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344).

and installed plugin,
enabled the plugin but not getting any effect of that plugin at login page,

seems not working the plugin.
can you please let us know how can we go ahead and use captcha based login.

also not getting idea from where to enable captcha from settings.
FYI: we are using LDAP based login.


Hello @sachin2211,

That’s not an official module. Unless somebody in the community is using it and has knowledge how it works, it will be hard to get an answer. I’ll recommend you to contact the module creators as they might be able to help you better.



I think there is something similar in Core, without the need for plugin

Admin / Password Management / Enable reCAPTCHA Validations

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no, there is not seems any option for enable captcha at admin> password management.

In 7.11.10: