I customize the application web sugarCRM to my need and I have to realize a hybrid mobile application using Ionic framework and AngularJS. I want to make a authentication from the mobile application. In my folder js/factory/userProvider.js i have this code
app.factory(‘userProvider’, function($rootScope, $http) {
function signIn(User) {
var url = 'The url of the api ';
$http.post(url,Userser).success(function (response) {
return{ signIn: signIn }
My big problem is that SugarCRM already has web services and I don’t know the url to use for the authentication. In my folder js/controllers/homepageController i have this code :
.controller(‘homepageIndex’, function ($scope) { })
.controller(‘homepageLogin’, function ($scope, userProvider) {
$scope.user = {};
$scope.signIn = function (user) { userProvider.signIn(user); }
So I want to know how to use the web services of sugarCRM to authenticate in my mobile application.