SuiteCRM Analytics - Solution, Bug Tracker, Feedback!

Can you send us the tomcat/logs/catalina.out output when you run a dashboard?

Hi there here is the log file , thanks in advanced

The last error I can see is this: Table ā€˜webcrm.D_CAMPAIGNSā€™ doesnā€™t exist

It looks like your installation is pointing to a database with the name webcrm and this database does not exist. Are you sure that this database exists and its populated with the correct tables. You need to run SuiteCRM Data Integration to create the database / tables

Hi thanks for your quick reply, i follow this guide , the database webcrm is empty, how can i populate the database, do you have any other guide?

SuiteCRM Analytics relies on the other project caled SuiteCRM Data Integration. Please install that

Hi there i installed suitecrm data integration, put the data on install properties, run the connection to the database successful, populating with success to the other database, witch right now is not empty. i run and then . Then i went to analytics, i can see custom oportunities that i made but i can not retrieve any data. I tried other report like agent opportunity performance and shows

Agent Opportunity Performance Report
Opportunity Created Period: All Periods
Opportunity Lead Source: All Opportunity Lead Sources
Opportunity Sales Stage: All Opportunity Sales Stages
Opportunity Type: All Opportunity Types
No Data Available for Selected Parameters
Report Run By: admin
Report Run Date: 2021-05-04

Can someone help to get this working properly.


Anybody can help here?
I really need this working right.



You state that you have run ā€˜setup-suitecrm-data-integration.shā€™. There is an option during the setup process to install demo data. Did you do this?

The ā€˜No Data Available for Selected Parametersā€™ should not appear on any report if the demo data was installed.

Demo Data wont populate any custom tables made by you.

Hi There thanks for your reply, the first time i didnt install any demo data, the second time i cleaned the database and installed the demo data , and the problem persists, the second time is giving another error on agents aportunity report " Failed to process the report. Failed to fire report event for sub-layout-process. Could not initialize class sun.awt.x11GraphicsEnvironment. Is there any walktrought to setup this correctly.

thanks in advanced

Sounds like things are overlapping each other from multiple failed setups.

Suggest you drop and recreate the database and delete all the files. Unzip the application and and start fresh following the guidance hereā€¦

Hi there i tried everything instaling on centos 8 and then on ubuntu 20.10, every time i run the demo install of Data Integration its giving errors errors

Installing Demo Dataā€¦

We could not create all the Demo Date in the SuiteCRM DWH!
Please make sure write privilege enabled in the SuiteCRM Analytics DWH

DEMO DATA has FAILED! - Please check for any errors in the log files inside the logs directory!


2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2017-11-05 07.27.50 by buildguy) : !Calculator.ErrorInStepRunning :
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - resultType: 2; targetMeta: 1
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Unexpected conversion error while converting value [result String] to a Number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - !
Error while running the step
resultType: 2; targetMeta: 1
Unexpected conversion error while converting value [result String] to a Number
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator.Calculator.processRow(
at java.base/
Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
resultType: 2; targetMeta: 1
Unexpected conversion error while converting value [result String] to a Number
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator.Calculator.calcFields(
at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator.Calculator.processRow(
ā€¦ 2 more
Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
Unexpected conversion error while converting value [result String] to a Number
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.getNumber(
at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.convertData(
at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator.Calculator.calcFields(
ā€¦ 3 more
Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.convertStringToNumber(
at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.getNumber(
ā€¦ 5 more
Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.convertStringToNumber(
ā€¦ 6 more
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2017-11-05 07.27.50 by buildguy) : Erro inesperado
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - ERROR (version, build from 2017-11-05 07.27.50 by buildguy) : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleStepException:
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Error while running the step
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - resultType: 2; targetMeta: 1
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Unexpected conversion error while converting value [result String] to a Number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator.Calculator.processRow(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at java.base/
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - resultType: 2; targetMeta: 1
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Unexpected conversion error while converting value [result String] to a Number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator.Calculator.calcFields(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator.Calculator.processRow(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - ā€¦ 2 more
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Unexpected conversion error while converting value [result String] to a Number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.getNumber(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.convertData(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.calculator.Calculator.calcFields(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - ā€¦ 3 more
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.convertStringToNumber(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.getNumber(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - ā€¦ 5 more
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException:
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - result String : couldnā€™t convert String to number : non-numeric character found at position 1 for value [.50]
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 -
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - at org.pentaho.di.core.row.value.ValueMetaBase.convertStringToNumber(
2021/05/10 12:00:35 - Calculate amounts.0 - ā€¦ 6 more
2021/05/10 12:00:36 - populateInvoiceManagement - ERROR (version, build from 2017-11-05 07.27.50 by buildguy) : Erros detectados!
2021/05/10 12:00:36 - populateInvoiceManagement - ERROR (version, build from 2017-11-05 07.27.50 by buildguy) : Erros detectados!

On centos then the web analytics opens but on ubuntu is giving 404 error.
Can someone help here.

We are archiving all topics within this category and would like to ask if you have any issues or feature requests are to be made on the GitHub repositories, or Thank you!