SuiteCRM 8 Upgrade


I am trying to upgrade SuiteCRM 8.2 to SuiteCRM 8.2.4 using the console, however, i am getting the following error after executing the upgrade command:
[Server]$ ./vendor/bin/robo upgrade:suite upgradeLog.log public_html admin
jailshell: ./vendor/bin/robo: No such file or directory

When i Look into the vendor/bin directory, there is no robo file.

I am following these instructions: Upgrading :: SuiteCRM Documentation


Hi, welcome to the Community! :tada:

Make sure you are at the root directory of your SuiteCRM installation, and that there is a vendor directory there.

You can check in which directory you are by typing pwd, and you can change directory with the cd command (Google it to learn)

Thanks for your response!
Please see the output below and apologies as I should have included that in the original message:
[server]$ ls
carbon doctrine-dbal generate-defuse-key patch-type-declarations update-psl var-dump-server
doctrine doctrine-migrations parse sql-formatter validate-json yaml-lint
[server]$ pwd

To run this command: ./vendor/bin/robo
you need to be in the root directory of SuiteCRM, that would seem to be, in your case, home/suitecrm/public_html


Thanks for your response pgr!

Yes, you are correct, however, the “robo” file is missing which is why I get the error message. I downloaded a fresh copy of 8.2 and 8.2.4 and they dont seem to contain the “robo” file in that directory.

[server]$ pwd
[server]$ ./vendor/bin/robo upgrade:suite upgradeLog.log public_html admin
./vendor/bin/robo: No such file or directory

If i navigate to vendor and then bin, there is no robo file:
[server]$ pwd
[server]$ ls
carbon doctrine-dbal generate-defuse-key patch-type-declarations update-psl var-dump-server
doctrine doctrine-migrations parse sql-formatter validate-json yaml-lint

I don’t know how you got the package, but it looks like you got it from github directly?

You should use the install package and run the installer, because that does extra work, including a “composer install” which takes care of everything under the vendor directory.