SuiteCrm 8: problems with customizations

@holdusback it will work both in SuiteCRM 7 and SuiteCRM 8 with one caveat. You have to change the module to “legacy” and it will work no problem in SuiteCRM 8.

Yeah I saw that; but I want my code to be full suite8. So I’m future-proof and I assume its better performance wise.

This CRM is already a mess to work with, I prefer to do 1 big job than put the legacy and act that everything work perfect ahah :slight_smile:

Agreed - the jump to v8 is challenging but it’s time to bite the bullet and take the chance to drop flaky front-end code and change it to something more solid.

Working on v8, for me, has been like a modernizing course in software development. Symfony is a great teacher of best-practices and code elegance. And Angular too.

Sadly to be fair I find the documentation REALLY thin in contrast with how big the code & suiteCRM folder is, still trying to make my custom code working for now

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@holdusback please share your solution if you get it to work. This is a common customization that many people use. If you solve a 100% SuiteCRM 8 way of doing it that would be great.