SuiteCRM 8 performance

I installed a few weeks ago Suite CRM 8.7.1 on a hosted webserver.

For a week now, I have noticed that the performance is getting worse and worse. It takes up to 20 seconds to load a list or the homepage. That wasn’t the case at the beginning. In the beginning it took 1-2 seconds!

Since the installation I have made some customizations, but nothing critical. I have had the DB checked and it performs really well. I also don’t have many data records (about 500 contacts, 250 accounts and about 50 opportunities).

I have also set the recommended PHP parameters. But I haven’t noticed any noticeable improvement. The quick repair doesn’t help either.

Do you have any ideas on how I can improve the performance again? Because as it is today, the solution is unusable.

Thanks for your feedback.


I very recently answered a similar question, see if it helps

Network, DNS etc. are not the issue. As I said, at the beginning, the system was performant. It is getting slower and slower over the time. So for sure not a network issue.

Not “for sure”, sorry. A faulty network card, a faulty cable, degraded DNS performance due to server issues. You need to investigate causes one by one. Just run some tests to see if anything changed since the time when it was performant.

I believe that using the browser dev tools, network tab, could also bring you some clues. See which requests are delayed, try to figure out if the times are constant, if it’s always the same kind of requests that have delays…

I would also suggest trying other variations - different browser, different computer on a different location, accessing from mobile… eventually something will catch your attention and provide clues.

If you search in this forum. You will find some post related to it.