SuiteCRM 8 Angebote Zeilenelemente undefined

Hallo zusammen, wenn ich ein Angebot erstelle und ein neues Zeilenelement hinzufüge fehlen die Labels. Hier steht nur überall undefined. Wie kann ich das fixen? Hab schon Reparatur etc ausgeführt.

Hello @Rudi


Open the .htaccess file on this path (…/crm_name/public/legacy/.htaccess).

Find the line in this file; RewriteBase /folder-name(optional)/crm_namelegacy/

Ex: RewriteBase /crm/crm813_2legacy/

And replace with this line;

RewriteBase /crm/crm813_2legacy/


RewriteBase /crm/crm813_2/public/legacy/

Just done.

After saving the file, Go to Admin -> Quick Repair and Rebuild.

I hope this is helpful.
let me know if you have any concerns.

Thank you.

Hello @chirag_biz309 in line 22 i found this:

RewriteBase /legacy/

I have now tested the following:
RewriteBase /public/legacy/
RewriteBase /myfolder/public/legacy/

unfortunately nothing works -.-

hello @Rudi


Could you share the error screenshot with me?

I have some questions regarding your query.

  1. What permissions does your CRM have?
  2. Is your crm on the server or local?

So, I can more understand, and might be i can help you.

Thank you.

You have helped me a lot. The permission for a language file was missing.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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Hello @Rudi
Glad you were able to solve it and thank you for the feedback.

Thank you :blush: