SuiteCRM 8.5 Released!

SuiteCRM 8.5 is now available to download.

This release includes; List View Quick Filters, improved Login performance and an upgrade under the hood to Angular 16.

Please check out the Release Notes for full details on this release, here.

For additional information on upcoming SuiteCRM 8 releases please consult the SuiteCRM Roadmap available here

That’s good news!

So, we could upgrade from 7.14 to 8.5 directly without any problem?

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I also noticed this :eye::eye: Is this true?
Is there a method to this? :slight_smile:

@rsp @dhuntress, I guess the legacy migration process still applies from 7.14.x to 8.5.x

The docs below mention

On this page, when it is stated 7.12.x+ it refers to any version greater or equal to 7.12.x (i.e. 7.12.x, 7.13.x, etc).

So I guess it still applies… They have several remarks on the 1. Before migrating so I seems a more complex process… definitively not as simple as upgrades between 8.x versions…

Thanks for mentioning this, As the guys I was thinking that was a brand new migration tool.

But you are most probably right and It’s still the exact same, which in my case dont work smoothly and as u said look like a complex migration.

Sorry for the very basic question, but I can’t upgrade because I can’t find the upgrade wizzard link.
I’m using version 8.0. and I want to upgrade to version 8.5
My administration panel looks like the attached screenshot.
Did I misunderstand something in the update instructions?

Are you following the v8 instructions?

The upgrade is executed from the command line.

Thanks for a quick answer
I had a feeling that I am doing an basic and stupid mistake :wink:
I used wrong upgrade instruction (not for v8).

Please update suitecrm-roadmap!