SuiteCRM 8.5 Live server with ng serve

Hey @wiFiriFi,

Welcome to the community :wave:

If you download the base package it doesn’t include the dist folder, which is needed for building the front end.

For frontend development they provide a dev package that includes the dist folder, you can find it on the github release: Release 8.5.0 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Core · GitHub

I don’t think ng serve is supported. They recommend using the build command with --watch

As for the following:

You should avoid changing the core part of the system, as those might be overridden on upgrade.

Ideally all the extensions to core should be done on a extension/plugin within the extensions folder.

If you use the dev package and do your changes on the defaultExt extension the only commands you’ll need to run are:

yarn install


yarn run build-dev:defaultExt or yarn run build-dev:defaultExt --watch

The above comes from the following documentation on the suite documentation site, I would start there.