SuiteCRM 8.5 Live server with ng serve

Hi, I have a question to developing SuiteCRM 8.5. Is there a option to build SuiteCRM 8 locally using live server with ng serve command and connect to backend stored on server by webpack proxy?

I saw there is proxy.conf.env.json file where backend url is stored.

I tried to call ng serve command but it failed because of angular files paths in import phrases, for example: Error: core/app/shell/src/app/app.module.ts:62:8 - error TS2307: Cannot find module ‘core’ or its corresponding type declarations.

When I fixed this it still isn’t working. Do you have some instructions for that? And is there an option for developing the common, core, shell part of system with live server and also the custom default-ext extension?

Thanks in advance :blush:

Hey @wiFiriFi,

Welcome to the community :wave:

If you download the base package it doesn’t include the dist folder, which is needed for building the front end.

For frontend development they provide a dev package that includes the dist folder, you can find it on the github release: Release 8.5.0 · salesagility/SuiteCRM-Core · GitHub

I don’t think ng serve is supported. They recommend using the build command with --watch

As for the following:

You should avoid changing the core part of the system, as those might be overridden on upgrade.

Ideally all the extensions to core should be done on a extension/plugin within the extensions folder.

If you use the dev package and do your changes on the defaultExt extension the only commands you’ll need to run are:

yarn install


yarn run build-dev:defaultExt or yarn run build-dev:defaultExt --watch

The above comes from the following documentation on the suite documentation site, I would start there.

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Thanks @anthony.oak.castro for help! :blush: