I’m trying to set up google calendar syncing on a fresh installation of SuiteCRM 8.4.1.
I have (apparently) successfully setup the google API token in the Admin panel, but when I login as a user to enable the syncing, when I click on the “Authorize” button in the Advanced tab of my user profile, I get a Not Found error.
I suspect I did not setup my URI properly:
my suiteCRM installation is on https://crm.mydomain.com, however, I have enabled URL rewrites on my web server and on a fresh install nothing was working due to a bug in the .htaccess file where a “/” had been turned into my suitecrm installation path, so I fixed that too.
To be fair I’m not a github user so I would rather someone who does already know how to contribute properly did it. I could look into how to do it but it will take a while
Sure enough, the https was not there. Adding it fixes the link the button points to, however I forgot to add that I also had to change the target of the window.open from _self to _blank to get it to work, the google authentication page won’t open in the same window, not yielding any errors leaving just an empty page (not blank, with the SuiteCRM background and top bar).
Hi, @gp_lnuff , i am also facing this same issue regarding google calendar sync in suitecrm 8. can you let me know how to change the target of the window.open from _self to _blank to get it work? and also my site_url is already starts with “https://” but i’m still unable to sync google calendar with my suitecrm.
if you’re facing the same issue of the google api authentication window not opening when you click on the “authorize” button, the way I changed the target from _self to _blank was to right click the “authorize” button, analyze the html source, and find the “target” inline attribute of the button. After it’s changed by editing the html, I was able to click to button and configure the google API. Note that this change is only temporary and you will have to do this every time you need to configure the google API for an user. I was not able to find a more permanent solution, but since this is a configuration step I didn’t think it was worth it to.