SuiteCRM 8.3 Installation on IONOS shared hosting - Config issue

Hi. I’m trying to install SuiteCRM 8.3 on an IONOS linux shared hosting service. I’m familiar with the 7.x installation and have installed many successfully. 8.3 is challenging. The installation routine is buried in Public/legacy subfolders, which isn’t specified in any of the documentation I can find. That aside - I got a successful installation, but my home page looks like some file permissions haven’t been set correctly. I followed the protocols given in the installation guide, but don’t seem to be able to get this functional. I’ve attempted it 3 times now. I also tried to upload a screenshot of the home page, but can’t figure that out either. It’s clearly not formatted though. Lots of white with blue text and not laid out correctly. No orange at all. Can anyone point me in the right direction here please?

It’s not mentioned in the docs because it’s not the right thing to do… :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t run that installer, it will only get you to a broken installation (which seems to be what you got).

You should stick to the Docs and just point the browser to the main URL (like and it should automatically redirect to the installer, if it’s not installed yet.

If that fails to start, you should review your Apache VirtualHost, and the mod_rewrite configs.

And make sure you stay inside the matrix, so many people neglect that and use an unsupported PHP version…:

Tried that. It won’t even locate an installer, and defaults to a generic Ionos domain page. This is why I looked for the public/legacy option in the first place. I did check the php version and downgraded it to 8.0 though, so thank you for that :slight_smile:

As for this “If that fails to start, you should review your Apache VirtualHost, and the mod_rewrite configs.”, I have no idea how to do that.

Well, it’s a web server configuration issue. The basic idea is that you need to tell your web server that the directory which it should be publishing is the /public directory

You can try to find instructions for your web server, for example, Apache, or perhaps even for your specific hosting, if it is very peculiar.