Suitecrm 8.2.3 show list view instead of details view after the record saved

How to redirect to list view instead of details view after record edited or created

Tried after save hook with SugarApplication::redirect. getting error popup " there was an error while saving record" after clicking save.

Any solution to redirect the page to details view after save

Hi @hamaltonxavier,
to redirect to the list view after creating or editing a record in SuiteCRM 8, you could try to use the redirectToListView() method. Here is an example of how to use it in an after_save hook:

class CustomModuleHooks
    function after_save($bean, $event, $arguments)

Replace YourModule with the name of your module.

Alternatively, you can use redirectToModule() method to redirect to another module after save:

class CustomModuleHooks
    function after_save($bean, $event, $arguments)

Again, replace YourModule with the name of your module.