SuiteCRM 8.0.4 on Ubuntu 20.04, apache2, mariadb, php-8.0 fails with validation errors

AHA!!! :smiling_face:

Well, that wasn’t particularly clear even after multiple installs.

Can I make a suggestion that, for blind cnutz like me, you make a slight change to 2.1.2 in the SuiteCRM 8 Install Docs so it reads something like “The next step is to click on the “CONFIGURATION” tab up top and add the base system configuration in order for your system to work.”

Now, as to the “Legacy” part, is this normal? Am I missing something? Does Suite 7 need to be installed when I’m installing Suite 8? With this “Legacy” stuff, this means that a lot of the paths referred to in the docs for configuration files for SuiteCRM 8 are incorrect as they aren’t under the SuiteCRM root, nor even under “public”, but are instead under “public/legacy”.

If this is the way it always installs, that’s fine, but I’m still not clear on what this “Legacy” stuff is. If this is the normal install, can we please update the SuiteCRM 8 docs to reflect these correct paths?