SuiteCRM 8.0.1 installation problems

No difference. Same error.

Hi @Prafull_Satasiya,

Ok, thank you. Are you using localhost? or the ip?
Maybe try connecting using ip

I have tried both. localhost and

Hi @clemente.raposo

./SuiteCRM/cache has:

drwxr-sr-x permissions.

./SuiteCRM/legacy/public/cache has:

drwxr-sr-x as well.

Iā€™m using FCGI so the user and group is the user of the account used. So it isnā€™t www-data but another user. I have made sure that the new user is used when following the instructions for setting the user permissions in the installation instructions.

Hi @simondawson,

Thank you. So, its not the permissionsā€¦

Could you try removing the following line from your vhost config?
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php

the /public folder has a index.html and an index.php. Its just a guess, though apache may be picking up index.html instead of index.php

Hi @Prafull_Satasiya,

Could you try connecting to it using another mysql client from the same server?

There is some problem with the db connection. Need to try and understand what it could be.

No, no difference.

Hi @simondawson,

Hmā€¦ starting to run out of ideas.

Could you send me a screenshot of the network tab after the call to the the main route, please? To understand the requests being made.
Please hide any server address or any sensitive info.

Hi @simondawson,

EDIT: please look into the following post before going into this one.

Thank you. Not sure what is going on.

Iā€™m starting to think it may be related with php-fpm / fastcgi. Could you have a look at the following please?

Maybe best to check other things also. Could you check the following please?

  1. Were the public/legacy/config.php and public/legacy/config_override.php files generated?
  2. On /public/legacy/.htaccess how does the RewriteBase, it should be something like RewriteBase /legacy

Hi @simondawson,

I think this time I may have found what is missing.

Could you look into the following guide from symfony.

There are sone extra things we need to add to the vhost config for PHP FPM fastcgi

Fingers crossed : )

Hi @clemente.raposo

The config.php and config_override.php were both created and the RewriteBase is set to /legacy/

I will have a look at the various FCGI configuration guides now and get back to you.

Thank you for the time you have committed to help me solve thisā€¦it is much appreciated. Hopefully we are nearly there.

I have tried that and also followed your conversation on this thread. Install database connection issue with SuiteCRM 8 - #21 by Jurij0123

I have also tried the silent install. It stuck at Running: check-db-connection

Hi @clemente.raposo

No luck Iā€™m afraid. This has outwitted me Iā€™m afraid. I have given up on this server and I am trying the install on a new VPS to see how far I can get this time.

THank you for your helpā€¦much appreciated.

I suggest Ubuntu instead of CentOS, you will have a much easier experience. It is by far the most used OS with SuiteCRM, including all the dev team etc.

Hi @clemente.raposo and @pgr

I have installed a fresh installation on an Ubuntu Server 20.04 VPS and managed to get further through the installation.
The installation worked and I can log in with the admin user set up during installation. However I get HTTP 500 errors within subpanels.
I have described the problem at length in a new post.

Any ideas?
My thanks go to you both in trying to solve the CentOS install. :clap:

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Hi @simondawson,

Youā€™re welcome : )

Iā€™ve replied on the other post.

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For anyone needing complete installation scripts, hereā€™s a project with an automated silent install that you can customize:

The download, install, and configuration happens in this script:

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Hi @wil,

Welcome to the community :wave:

Thank you for sharing!

I posted how I got this working in this thread: