SuiteCRM 7.9.6 Security & Maintenance Patch Now Available

SuiteCRM 7.9.6 is now available to download.

This release resolves IMPORTANT Security Vulnerabilities that effect all releases of SuiteCRM, all users of ALL previous releases are advised to Upgrade to 7.9.6 as soon as possible.

This release also resolves many more issues, for more details view the release notes:

View Release Notes for 7.9.6

Thank you to all community members who logged bugs and contributed to this release.

All input is welcome.

The SuiteCRM Team.

This version fails when you edit a layout on modulebuilder (

[Wed Oct 04 18:43:52.897488 2017] [php7:error] [pid 26322] [client XX.XX.XX.XX:XXXXX] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of UndeployedMetaDataImplementation::getFileName($view, $moduleName, $packageName, $type = MB_BASEMETADATALOCATION) must be compatible with AbstractMetaDataImplementation::getFileName($view, $moduleName, $type = MB_CUSTOMMETADATALOCATION) in /var/www/html/suite_7_9_6/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/views/UndeployedMetaDataImplementation.php on line 49, referer: http://XXXXXXXXXX/suite_7_9_6/index.php?module=ModuleBuilder&action=index&type=mb

PHP Version:
PHP 7.1.9 (cli) (built: Sep 11 2017 16:59:42) ( NTS )

Iā€™m getting errors during the upgrade to 7.9.6 from 7.9.4. Those errors interrupt the upgrade cycle and I get logged out.
After investigating the php error log, I could see that there is a wrong call to mysqli_real_escape_string instead of mysql_real_escape_string in include\database\MysqlManager.phpMysqlManager.php line 463.

Please advise.
Best Regards

The date of the release on the wiki home page is wrong.

On the release detail it correctly states the release date as 03-10-2017.

On the wiki homepage it states the release date as 30-10-2017