SuiteCRM 7.9.4: OOTB Scheduler Jobs broken Languages

SuiteCRM 7.9.4: OOTB Scheduler Jobs broken Languages.
They changed the mod_strings keys thus breaking the display labels.
Kindly apply fix to next release.

Can’t attach file here, “Attach FIle” button not working so I can’t upload screen shots.

I assume you are using Chrome? Try another browser.

Can you post the steps to reproduce the error?
What language pack are you using?
Also post your installation details (version, system)

On the “Add file” button forum error:
It also do not work for me (firefox) but I’m able to upload images: just click inside the field, not the button, and it will open a popup to upload. Then place the cursor on the message and hit insert button.
You can also post a link for a shared image host on the web.