SuiteCRM 7.9.2 Installation Error

I am trying to install SuiteCRM 7.9.2 but I get the error:

"SuiteCRM relies upon PHP sessions to store important information while connected to this web server. Your PHP installation does not have the Session information correctly configured.

A common misconfiguration is that the ‘session.save_path’ directive is not pointing to a valid directory.

Please correct your PHP configuration in the php.ini file located here below.


My Environment

  • CentOS 7.3.1611
  • PHP 7.1.6
  • session.save_path = “/tmp”

Make sure /tmp is writable by your web server user.

And double-check if you are getting those values from the correct php.ini (web server PHP, not CLI).

(by the way, 7.9.3 was just released, you better use that version now)