SuiteCRM 7.9.11 Themes

Anyone has a custom theme for 7.9.11? If so, please reply back and provide me your skype ID.

That is a very direct approach… Are you looking for help, inspiration, advice etc?

There are so many postings and it seems everyone wants to go back to the original 7.7.x theme.

I’m looking for some that has a custom theme and can provide me a demo or screen shots to see if I like it and I can purchase it from them. This will cut down my time reading thru all the posting. There is just way too many to read, besides I don’t want to just onto the latest version.

Do you have any advice or a market place where I can check out?

Just skip reading all the old posts, they are outdated, and check out the new 7.10 version. It incorporates most of the requests made by the community before: color options, less spacing, more contrast. It’s not perfect but it’s getting there progressively.

Due to the architectural changes during this process, I don’t think anybody’s making custom themes for SuiteCRM at this point. You can still customize the CSS and it’s not as difficult as some people seem to think it is. Part of the solution for these complaints has to come from here: you have specific tastes and needs, get your system customized for them.

Providing you are merely needing cosmetic changes to SuiteCRM’s screens … colours, spacing/padding, etc. … anyone with some CSS know-how should be able to help you tweak things.

It took me two days over one weekend (starting with zero knowledge of CSS) to get very comfortable with making my own CSS changes in SuiteCRM. (My own preference is for large-font, high-contrast, tightly-spaced screens … think laptop-in-daylight viewing!)

However, as has been suggested, you should look at 7.10.x as your starting point. Then you need to choose one of the new themes that is closest to your requirements, then itemize your desired changes to that theme. You must have a starting point!

Hopefully, at some point in the future, a full theme editor will be available to enable System Admins to customize almost every attribute of SuiteCRM’s themes and to make those themes selectable at time of login.