SuiteCRM 7.6 | Studio Add New Relationships NOT working

Hello Everyone,

Just found out another issue with my fresh 7.6 install:

I tried to create a new realationship and when the popup windows appears, is displaying totally broken the following ERROR messages:

Warning: Missing argument 1 for DeployedRelationships::build(), called in /home1/enjoyint/public_html/asuntos/modules/ModuleBuilder/controller.php on line 580 and defined in /home1/enjoyint/public_html/asuntos/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/DeployedRelationships.php on line 282

Warning: Missing argument 2 for DeployedRelationships::build(), called in /home1/enjoyint/public_html/asuntos/modules/ModuleBuilder/controller.php on line 580 and defined in /home1/enjoyint/public_html/asuntos/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/DeployedRelationships.php on line 282

Warning: Missing argument 3 for DeployedRelationships::build(), called in /home1/enjoyint/public_html/asuntos/modules/ModuleBuilder/controller.php on line 580 and defined in /home1/enjoyint/public_html/asuntos/modules/ModuleBuilder/parsers/relationships/DeployedRelationships.php on line 282

is there somebody else with these problems? and somebody know how to solve it?


I also encountered a similar bug like you. Hope someone can help!

Thank you!

I’m not 100% sure but the problem you are experiencing is due to a bad configuration in your php.ini.

You should set error_reporting for a production environment .

For example I use:
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE

Hi guys, did you resolve the problem?, I did what amariussi suggested but didn’t work. still can’t create relationships in studio, each time I get the same error message enjoyint described at the beginning


I get the same issue, although it does eventually create the relationship after a while.

Telling people simply to reset the error reporting doesn’t fix the problem, it merely hides it so how is that a “fix”?

The code is saying that it’s missing arguments that are required by a function/method - which means something is not passing the data through. That’s a coding/programming issue, not a reporting one.

Three months and new versions (7.7.5) later, and this error continues to manifest itself in the logs… has there been any advance on why this error happens?

Same problem here. I agree - muting the error message does not give me any confidence that the process completed.
It SEEMS to complete but how can I know?

If the message is safe for me to disable then why not just change the code to not display it at all?

This is one of many nagging issues that are making me question my choice of SuiteCRM as a platform. (see also “Undefined” labels)