SuiteCRM 7.12.5 - Quote Total error

Hi All,

The “Total” field, displayed in line items quote, does not add the calculated “Tax Amount” (see attached screenshot).
Can somebody help on this?


----- screenshot ------

That’s how it should look. The total is list price less any discount, not including tax.

On your Quote PDF (depending on how you set it up) you will either show the price exclusive of tax and show a line item for tax at the bottom (that’s how I do it), or show the line totals with tax.

This is default behavior. You can change that in AOS in Admin. If you want to show the total inclusive of tax.

Hi pstevens,

Wow I now realized the silliness of my so called “issue”.

Thanks you so much for reminding me that option.

p.s. : my personal compliments on your suitecrm youtube training sessions. Hope you keep doing it.

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