Greetings, I need some information: Reading the SuiteCRM 7.11 compatibility matrix I notice that MariaDB in version 10.5 does not appear among the supported DBs (it stops at version 10.3). From our tests, however, it seems that there are no particular compatibility problems. Can you confirm that, despite not being present in the compatibility matrix, SuiteCRM 7.11 is compatible with MariaDB 10.5? Thank you very much for your reply, Greetings
Hi everybody! Hello Marco! let me know if you have got any answer of your quest. we are also in the same situation: we want to deploy suitesrm 7.11 with MariaDB 10.5 (previous version was 10.3). we also searching if there is any kind of compatibility issue with MariaDB 10.5. As you pointed out that in the compatibility matrix there is no sign of MariaDB 10.5, we will be glad, if someone already faces the same situation or some suitecrm team member says something about this topic. thank you.
I am using 7.14.x with Server version: 11.1.2-MariaDB . It is working without any issues. A development machine with windows OS. Suite 8.7 is also using the same MariaDB server and is working fine as well.