SuiteCRM 7.11.21 fresh install +wamp Win10 ERRORS! Please Help!

Hello everyone,

Im so tired of trying to figure out what wrong and why this doesn’t work at all. I tried everything. I looked around for a solution for 3 days! can someone please guide me on this installation?

Im using:
SuiteCRM 7.11.21
Wampserver 3.2.3 64x
PHP 7.4.9

This is my error:
Sun Sep 19 18:11:45 2021 [14208][-none-][FATAL] Mysqli_query failed.
Sun Sep 19 18:11:45 2021 [14208][-none-][FATAL] Error creating table: users: Query Failed: CREATE TABLE users (id char(36) NOT NULL ,user_name varchar(60) NULL ,user_hash varchar(255) NULL ,system_generated_password bool NULL ,pwd_last_changed datetime NULL ,authenticate_id varchar(100) NULL ,sugar_login bool DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL ,first_name varchar(255) NULL ,last_name varchar(255) NULL ,is_admin bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,external_auth_only bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,receive_notifications bool DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL ,description text NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,title varchar(50) NULL ,photo varchar(255) NULL ,department varchar(50) NULL ,phone_home varchar(50) NULL ,phone_mobile varchar(50) NULL ,phone_work varchar(50) NULL ,phone_other varchar(50) NULL ,phone_fax varchar(50) NULL ,status varchar(100) NULL ,address_street varchar(150) NULL ,address_city varchar(100) NULL ,address_state varchar(100) NULL ,address_country varchar(100) NULL ,address_postalcode varchar(20) NULL ,deleted bool NULL ,portal_only bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,show_on_employees bool DEFAULT ‘1’ NULL ,employee_status varchar(100) NULL ,messenger_id varchar(100) NULL ,messenger_type varchar(100) NULL ,reports_to_id char(36) NULL ,is_group bool NULL ,factor_auth bool NULL ,factor_auth_interface varchar(255) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY idx_user_name (user_name, is_group, status, last_name, first_name, id)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci: MySQL error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

also i did the recommended PHP.ini changes:
display_errors off
max_input_time 120
memory_limit 512m
post_max_size 100m
session.use_cookies 1
session.cookie_httponly 1
upload_max_filesize 100m

I’m new to suitecrm, if you need any additional information lmk.

Thanks for your help in advance!


This issue seems to already be known, check this on Github :

As a temporary solution until we get this fixed you should be able to add back the (30) after the last_name , first_name fields in modules/Users/vardefs.php (Can be done in either the installer or upgrade packs). As long as you aren’t using MSSQL it won’t cause any problems and should get you past the MySQL key length error.