after the Email function was working in 7.9.14 (finally) I updated to 7.10 to find out, that downloading any personal and group Emails don´t work.
I can test the connection sucessfully and after a save they are broken.
Somebody should really take some responsibility that the Email functions get up running seamlessly.
Hi kaeser49, welcome, and sorry to hear you’re running into problems.
I can tell you that Email was heavily tested for 7.10, throughout 4 pre-releases. Even so, Email is a tricky thing to test, and there always seems to be a different server configuration that causes unexpected problems. There is also the danger of regressions: while testing and fixing something, something else might have broken.
So let’s dive in to your specific problem and get it fixed ASAP! If you can please provide more data so we can try and reproduce your problem, I’d appreciate it.
what is your version of PHP?
Are your problems with outbound (SMTP) or inbound (IMAP)?
Where exactly are you configuring and testing the account? Please state all the buttons you click to get there (there are more places in SuiteCRM to configure email than most people realize - I’d like to redesign that one day)
first of all I appreciate your help and I´d really would like to work with suitecrm.
what is your version of PHP?
PHP 7.2.2 running on Centos 7 VM installation
our email provider is
Are your problems with outbound (SMTP) or inbound (IMAP)?
let´s focus on Inbound first
Where exactly are you configuring and testing the account? Please state all the buttons you click to get there (there are more places in SuiteCRM to configure email than most people realize - I’d like to redesign that one day)
I have read many forum contents and tested many of the possible email entry options. Finally I found a quite simple set up and having upgraded from 7.9.10 to 7.9.14 I experienced some progress and draw backs. Let me explain my plain setup.
on a fresh installation (ie 7.9.14, no Errors while installing) as an Administrator:
I set up the system outbound Email
Then I set up an incoming group Email address (including the options for the outgoing information ;-))
Next I set up a user and save it
then I switch from admin to the user and open the users profile. I fill in an personal Email Address. I save the profile and reopen it. Then I open the Email settings and switch to the email tab. The incoming Windows shows data error unless I add a personal incoming email address including the incoming and outgoing part. I save the created email account and save it and save the profile as well. Afterwards I reopen the profil and the emails settings again and can then see and check the incoming group mail accounts.
Finally, I go to the Email menu and can open on the top right side the inbox where I get my incoming emails.
in version 9.10 after upgrade from 9.14 this din´t work anymore (no showings of incoming emails).
I set up a fresh 9.10 version from scratch and did as written above. When I open as a user the email menu I see my personal inbox Emails but when I press the top right inbox chooser I am not able to see any of the incoming emails. even not my personal which shows up when I click the email menu.
Do you see any errors in your logs?
I checkt all known logs in var/logs and /var/www/html/suitecrm but there is no detailed information as far I can recognise. I would like to see the email negotiations because I have one equal email address who does not work. same Domain, same provider but never shows any emails.
PHP 7.2.2 is quite new, it’s supposedly supported but it’s far less tested than earlier versions. Let’s hope this is not a PHP issue.
You should make sure you can find your web server log. In Ubuntu/Apache it’s called php_errors.log, in CentOS Google tells me it’s
I believe this is unrelated to PHP 7.2 as I’m able to replicate a similar issue on a fresh 7.10 install on 5.6. I’ve gone ahead put up a possible fix here:
ok I got it.
I had to remove a line. Now it pulls down the emails.
just one point: it was nice to see in the top right handed button (Inbox) which Mailbox is shown. With the not working code it was written "Inbox ´Name´ ".
This is nice if you have several Inboxes to monitor.