SuiteCRM 7.10 - SuiteP theme - Scheduler job dropdown is empty

Recently I have upgraded Suitecrm 7.10. When i check Scheduler job dropdwon is showing empty

Hi, welcome.

Exactly which 7.10 do you have? Is it the latest, 7.10.10?

And where do you go to see this Scheduler dropdown? In Admin / Schedulers there is a table, but not a dropdown…

You can also try Admin / Repairs, and from there run QR & R, repair Javascript and Schedulers.

My suitecrm version is 7.10.9.

I have followed the instruction you have provided. But issue is not fixed.

On my system it works fine… :huh:

Did you set up any custom scheduler jobs? If so, one of them might have some problem that is breaking that list…

Anyway, please check both your logs, there should be a clue in one of them. Look for messages at the time when you open that edit screen.

Right now I have two different suitecrm 7.10.9( using different purpose and its not related to one another) .I have upgraded the suitecrm from Sugarcrm 6.5.(both crm). two CRMs having same issue :frowning:

Cool, that’s two different CRM where you can go and apply my troubleshooting suggestions to find out more about this issue.