SuiteCRM 7.10.10 Security & Maintenance Patch Now Available!

Hello Everyone,

We are getting back into the monthly rhythm of releasing minor releases and our focus for this one was to introduce the re factored v8 API. We have deprecated the previously released 7.10.0 API and will later remove it from 7.11.

We have changed a few things with the API so that it would better support the in development front end framework ā€“ so stay tuned to us introducing new routes to provide more functionality.

A few things we have changed:

  • New URL: We felt we needed to make a big enough difference from the previous v8 api that we enforced a name change. You are able to use the old v8 but out of the box it will default to the new (by means of htaccess).
    e.g. https://path-to-instance/API/V8/modules/
    We would like to get some feedback on this url change/structure from the communitysā€™ developers and what is the preference naming for 7.11. Feel free to message us here or on Github.

  • File path: We have moved from lib/API/ to API purely because we felt it wasnā€™t a library.

  • Extendible: We provided mechanisms to allow the API to be extendible via the Extension framework like adding new routes.

Things we havenā€™t changed:

  • You are still required to have SSL certification to authenticate.
  • Must create OAuth session/token (supports Password Grant, Client credentials Grant)

For a full list please view releases notes View Release Notes for 7.10.10

Thank you to all community members who logged bugs and contributed to this release.

All input is welcome.

The SuiteCRM Team.

I think the release notes wiki has some issues with the display. Just a heads up.


Hi jshwhitlow,

That should be the release notes fixed, thanks!

Just a note:
Language packs will only be available by 1st of November. Actual files from Crowdin will only work for 7.10.09, not for 7.10.10 and future versions.

Why? There has been several changes in string keys (made by the PR Language keys - Cut down on sugar in your diet) so actual version will need a complete new language pack, else several strings will not be translated.


  • 7.10.10 and future versions: will require a new language pack that will run from Crowdin with updates.
  • 7.10.0 to 7.10.09 will get a legacy language pack. It will be available in Zip, from Sourceforge only, no future updates (To be created)
  • 7.8.x and 7.9.x = Download ZIP from Sourceforge only, no updates since released (already implemented)


I think that V8 Api doc should be cleared, it is very difficult to find the correct entry points based on the documentations and the running version.

API all upper case does not exists in 7.10.10 and in its .htaccess (at least on my univention VM upgraded to 7.10.10)

i have been able to get it work on a clone of my 7.8.20 upgraded to 7.10.10 by accessing :

Doing the same with univention VM upgraded to 7.10.10 , it fails to access https://path-to-instance/Api/v8/modules/

iā€™m doing the Quick repair and .htaccess repair all times, and have no problems to get the access_token at /Api/index.php/access_token


to avoid confusion; disregard my previous comment about univention machine, the path working in 7.10.10 is https://path-to-instance/Api/v8/modules/

Hey there,

First of all thanks for the update.

Small question : How can I get a notification when an update is available (email or something) ? Was in 7.10.9, dont know about 7.10.10 until now ā€¦

Also : Whats the difference with the 7.8.X thats you also update ?

Thanks and sorry if its not the good topic to ask ā€¦ Dont wanted to make a topic just for this.

Hi Dilllon, first of all, many thanks to you and to all the team for the hight quality software you are producing.

Iā€™m a little confused about roadmap: will the 7.10 ever become LTS? Or after the 7.8 will the new LTS be the 8.1?

I subscribe to the ā€˜Announcementā€™sā€™ board, which keeps me updated on when new versions are released. I download the upgrades, even if I donā€™t intend to install them, because I havenā€™t seen a way to access all old versions. Iā€™m sure there is a way through GITHUB, but Iā€™m not very comfortable with GITHUB.


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[quote=ā€œLion Solutionā€ post=74548]Hi Dilllon, first of all, many thanks to you and to all the team for the hight quality software you are producing.

Iā€™m a little confused about roadmap: will the 7.10 ever become LTS? Or after the 7.8 will the new LTS be the 8.1?[/quote]

Great question Lion Solution, and I look forward to the answer. Here is what I was told 9 months ago:

Iā€™m currently upgrading to 7.10.10 from 7.7.6, on the assumption 7.10 will still get that LTS designation. My thought was that it might happen when the next major version comes outā€¦ but that was a guess.

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I can confirm that 7.10 is LTS because we will be supporting it long-term, as promised.

The labeling it LTS on the sites, etc., is delayed for no particular reason, maybe it is a consequence of some important changes in our marketing team.

The repository of all versions is here:

All past releases, both the full zips, and the upgrade packages.