Suite8.5 - Create Button missing from 'select' popup


Prior to upgrading to Suite8, you could create a record for a related module from the select popup.

eg. When creating an opportunity, you may want to select a related contact. If the contact doesn’t exist yet, the old version had a ‘create contact’ button within the select popup window, which allowed you to create the contact and then return the name to the select window. Great!

However in 8.5 this button is missing? You now have to cancel the creation of the opportunity, create the contact separately and then try again to create the opportunity.

I don’t think its my installation as it looks to be the same on the demo site?

:confused: i now see this has been asked before sorry

To access the demo, please use the following details:

Username: will

Password: will

Try here!

Thanks rsp,

Having just checked the demo again i see there is in fact a create button when selecting a related contact or account from within the Quotes module :upside_down_face:. However, there isn’t a create button when selecting an opportunity for the quote?

There also isn’t a create button when selected a related ‘account’ from the Opportunities module?

I assume this is because of vardefs or something?

You can create a new PR if we don’t have here.

will do, working through it.

It seems that some of my custom code was also causing issues, so i think there were a couple of things going on.

Thanks for pointing me back in the right direction to check the demo again.