Suite CRM Partners

My question is simple.
How do you become a suitecrm partner? clicking through only gives 404 website error pages when trying to find out any information on the website about this.

On a separate question, does anyone know if the site contact form is working correctly?, I have sent 2 enquiries and have had no reply to either :frowning:

Help as always is appreciated and thanks are given in advance.

Steve :slight_smile:

Hi Steve,

Thank you for your patience. We received your messages, and we’re slightly confused in the beginning (when you requested training). But it’s clear now that you’ve got interest in becoming a partner.

I’ll contact you on your email shortly about this.

Best regards,


thanks for replying.
I am interested in both, both the training for our staff and becoming a partner of suitecrm.
Information on both would be good if you can.
The options on the contact form does have a training drop down, hence the two contact forms.
I hope this helps and doesn’t confuse the issue further?