Suite CRM dosen't save outgoing Mails in Sent Folder with IMAP

My outgoing Mails are not saved over IMAP in the Sent Folder and i cant see them in my Inbox the normal Inbox works fine and Trash too, what can I do?

I don’t think this works. All you can do is send and see your inbox.

Hello @henneberg

there are two “popular” workaround that I use in my projects:

  1. Send every email to a bcc address, so at least you can check there what went out
  2. Build a custom communication module which stores records and the communication is send out from there.

But both mostly workarounds and the standard Sent folder is not being used.

Yeah, I’m not sure if this functionality was just left out, or it’s a bug and it’s supposed to work. It worked in the old sugarCE and you could even get subfolders, but since the re-design of the email, I’m not sure if this is a bug or just not developed. It seems silly you have to connect a sent and trash folder, but there are no ways to view them in SuiteCRM.