suite & asterisk integration

How i can integrate suitectm & asterisk?
Module yaai convert to callinize and I was paid. Other third-party modules are also paid and closed, and do not work with suytesrm because responsive design.

CRM and telephony integration is a necessary functional modern system.

I totally agree that pbx integration is close to a must have.
we already have some integration for incoming emails to a queue but we do it externally, using orderlysstats, the reporting system have a function (opening a url) then the url looks up the sql tables to find matching phone numbers and provide links to possible contacts/accounts/leads…

I plan to work on this again in 2016, to add more feature but INSIDE crm not externally as we do now.
I will use
which looks like what we need to work with the manager api…

the class might give you a hand…
if you work on this please keep me posted…


This class is your development?

I not php-developer. How i can help?

no this is not mine, i did not write the class but I intend to use it…
help?.. i do not know…

You intend to use it how module?
You build module?

I will customize the modules that can integrate…
but I doubt if I will start the project before may 2016.

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Any Updates? Will be great! :slight_smile:

i did not work on this yet and it won’t happend in May, vacation and unplanned 2 weeks business trip to Australia is pushing this…
realistically not before october…

Any Updates? Will be great! :slight_smile:

I came up on and advertisement (SuiteCRM) of a module already available… (Enjay)
the price was high but still affordable so I purchased it and installed in test environment.
then I discovered :
1 - it did not work for a windows host (yet) they promised to make it work soon.
2 - it looks quite complete and it would not worth the time to redo this from scratch, their solution appear quite complete…

… but it did not work for me :frowning: and they refunded.

as you can see it is low in my priorities for now and most likely won’t happen in 2016.
if I do not hear from Enjay soon I will revise my plan but again their solution looked way more complete than what I had in mind…

I will definitively keep up updated and I would appreciate if you do the same if you found a solution before I do…

I know a bit about asterisk. What specific integrations would you all say are the most important?

What I mean is: if you can’t have a proper integration (like those paid-for add-ons), list one or two simple features that would make the most difference for you?

for sure:
1 - dial out, add a link to any phone number so asterisk manager dials my extension then connects me to the right phone number
(This is what I was aiming for to add… but discovered that Enjay went much further)
… and open a call log entry form to complete/ document my call activity
2 - the part of having your CRM identify a caller is nice to have, we already have this working for our CSR’s and Tech support team using in house programming and a feature from OrderlyStatsse (, when a agent receive a call from the queue then it try to identify the caller (account, contact, lead) and if only one found open the record, if more than one match is found then a list is shown to select/identify the right caller to open the CRM record.

but it would be nice to have #2 for all CRM users and I believe that Enjay does provide this…

Number 1 is the sort of thing that is probably possible without any programming at all on the side of asterisk. Maybe SuiteCRM would need a slight change to show phone numbers as clickable URL’s, with protocol “tel:” or “sip:”. This could probably be achieved even without changing SuiteCRM, but using a browser extension to “linkify” things that look like phone numbers.

Then that would open whatever you have registered in your operating system to handle those links, namely Skype or x-Lite or Blink or any SIP client.

About number 2, I’m curious as to how this could be “architected”. I can see the asterisk server calling out an entrypoint in SuiteCRM to start the search and open a screen, but it wouldn’t know which client PC to contact, and wouldn’t have a way to initiate the connection. Browser requests must initiate from the client. Maybe it could just add the call in the database, and the sales agent could refresh his calls and see it right there.

I am not sure if this helps, but I found this in the extension store under labs:

Very interesting but it does not support Ms-SQL
and it looks like a stalled project, the project has been picked up by a cie that sell a similar service and appears to be expensive.


    • does not support my environment
    • not active anymore looking at github

But thank you for your inputs.

yaai 3.6.10 works with suitecrm on click2dial, but there are issues to debug the reporting and call recording in the logs…