at Suitecrm 8.0 Dashboard, missing CSS … at module function CSS file run well
I think: the PHP libraries are not missing (PHP 7.4), the standard Permission (777) and the standard .htaccss / config…
What do I still need to fix or am I missing? - Please guide , Thanks
Yes, i found that, missing CSS cause wrong Permission set.
As I know when doing new installations Ver 8.0 on Shared Hosting, most files and folders are set Permission to be 777. >> This need to change at /Your-Suitecrm/Public/legacy/… with set Permission Folders as Previous versions 7.11.xx - 7.12.0
Thank you for this, I am new to suiteCRM and did an install of v8.x and like you the style sheet was there but images and layout were missing. Changing the permissions got suiteCRM working.
Hey @hckhoa Your screenshot indicates that the legacy folder (which displays CSS and images from the Suite 7 framework) has incorrect permissions. Try resetting them again perhaps specifically in the legacy folder.
Hi @samus-aran Thanks for your feedback. I’m using shared host and change permission of folders: custom data modules themes upload config_override.php to 775 but still not able to load CSS. Did i miss anything?
Hi @clemente.raposo , I tested some values of RewriteBase but still can not load CSS. Any other I need to check?
RewriteBase /public_html/crm8/public/legacy
RewriteBase /crm8/public/legacy
RewriteBase /public/legacy
RewriteBase /legacy
I did an update from 8.1 to 8.2 and I have the same error. My permissions are right and the .htaccess in the legacy folder is right too. I tried all possible thing. Can somebody help me??
welcome to the forum and well done for including some information about your Versions. (a reminder to every one posting here -to get a faster/better answer to your problem it really does help a large amount to include technical details of your set up.
For you nidzo_45- what would help would be for you to copy+paste here the CLI commands you used when you decided that:
I have the SuiteCRM 8.1 and I wanted to update it to SuiteCRM 8.2.1. I will tell you step by step what I did.
1.) I downloader the SuiteCRM 8.2.1 zip file and uploaded it into mysuitecrmfolder/tmp/package/upgrade.
2.) I executed the command ./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade -t SuiteCRM-8.2.1
3.) I executed the command ./bin/console suitecrm:app:upgrade-finalize -t SuiteCRM-8.2.1
4.) After that I login into SuiteCRM and it shows the broken page. The problem is also, that i had a theme which showed, for example, the navbar on top in blue. But all the colors from my theme are gone too.
this is what I did to fix the problem, but it did not fix it.
1.) my RewriteBase is “/legacy/” I tried to change the RewriteBase to all possible options. I tried “public/legacy/”, “/public/legacy/”, “/mysuitecrmfolder/public/legacy” and a lot more options…
2.) a lot of people said that this is a permission problem. I change the permissions like this:
sudo chown -R myuser:mygroup ( I did not need this because my user was already the owner, I teste it with “whoami” and “ls -la”)
sudo chmod -R 755
sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom data modules themes upload
sudo chmod 775 config_override.php
3.) I also executed this commands with my user: find . -type d -not -perm 2775 -exec chmod 2775 {} ;
find . -type f -not -perm 0664 -exec chmod 0664 {} ;
find . ! -user <apache_user> -exec chown <apache_user>:<apache_group>{} ;
chmod +x bin/console
4.) In my public/legacy/cache/themes/suite8/css/Dawn folder the styles.css is missing. I uploaded it manually.
After every step I did i cleared the browser cache and did a quick repair and rebuild. Thank you.
The user that you need to specify for the ownership is not your logged in user, but rather the user that your web server runs under.
I also suggest disabling any custom themes before doing the upgrade so that you can distinguish any problems with the upgrade from problems with the custom theme.
I also recommend going into admin/repairs and choosing Quick Repair and Rebuild after the upgrade.
my logged in user is the same user that is running the webserver. I disabled the customTheme before the update. I use the classic suitecrm theme, but it is still not working. I did the Quick Repair and Rebuild too.