Suite 7.7 Feedback

Hey guys,

Fantastic job on the new version. This was a MUCH, MUCH needed facelift and exactly what we have been looking for, for a long time now. Here are a few things that I’ve seen so far that I thought I would comment on (attached a screencapture). Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Just FYI about our installation:

SuiteCRM Bitnami Stack - really makes permissions soooooo much easier to work with and SUPER easy to spin up!
Upgraded from 7.6.3 to 7.7 via upgrade package and GUI in the backend.
Performed Several Quick Repair & Rebuilds

    1. Logo won’t size properly and doesn’t seem to recognize the version uploaded to the system settings. Had to upload the logo to the theme’s folder and overwrite the line pointing to the true logo location. Logo doesn’t seem to size well for some reason. It “appears” as if the main menu should collapse or expand with the sidebar, it’s not unfortunately. (Maybe I’m wrong about this - I haven’t had much time to dive into it yet). After the adjustments, still having a bit of an issue getting it to look “right”.
    1. Some icons not appearing with the new theme - did repair/rebuild to fix any lingering permission issues from upgrade and theme configuration. Also flushed browser cache several times.
    1. Button colors and menu colors have no change when set in the theme customizer (color picker). Looks like a few things are “hard coded” so to speak. I’ve been able to fix several of these minor issues by changing the code a bit, but nothing major. Just find and replace commands to knock this portion out.

*Ignore the blackouts - just protecting sensitive info :slight_smile:

I’m sure I’ll see more as I go but will try and put everything I find here, if its helpful. Cheers guys - we’re off to the races!

[quote=“liiramedia” post=35494]Hey guys,

Fantastic job on the new version. This was a MUCH, MUCH needed facelift and exactly what we have been looking for, for a long time now. Here are a few things that I’ve seen so far that I thought I would comment on (attached a screencapture). Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Just FYI about our installation:

SuiteCRM Bitnami Stack - really makes permissions soooooo much easier to work with and SUPER easy to spin up!
Upgraded from 7.6.3 to 7.7 via upgrade package and GUI in the backend.
Performed Several Quick Repair & Rebuilds

    1. Logo won’t size properly and doesn’t seem to recognize the version uploaded to the system settings. Had to upload the logo to the theme’s folder and overwrite the line pointing to the true logo location. Logo doesn’t seem to size well for some reason. It “appears” as if the main menu should collapse or expand with the sidebar, it’s not unfortunately. (Maybe I’m wrong about this - I haven’t had much time to dive into it yet). After the adjustments, still having a bit of an issue getting it to look “right”.
    1. Some icons not appearing with the new theme - did repair/rebuild to fix any lingering permission issues from upgrade and theme configuration. Also flushed browser cache several times.
    1. Button colors and menu colors have no change when set in the theme customizer (color picker). Looks like a few things are “hard coded” so to speak. I’ve been able to fix several of these minor issues by changing the code a bit, but nothing major. Just find and replace commands to knock this portion out.

*Ignore the blackouts - just protecting sensitive info :slight_smile:

I’m sure I’ll see more as I go but will try and put everything I find here, if its helpful. Cheers guys - we’re off to the races![/quote]

Thats great liiramedia!

Very glad you are enjoying the new theme and thanks very much for the feedback. Lets address a few of them so others in the forums will know what are our next steps.

We’ll note this down in our issues list. Can you let us know what size of image you are using?

Yes, we are aware some icons are not displaying correctly - they should be all updated in the next minor release.

This is another issue we are aware of which is scheduled for the next minor release.

Thanks again to the community for your feedback and raising bugs, supplying fixes and sharing your experience of SuiteCRM 7.7. Please continue to do so and we will review what can be scheduled for the next minor releases to help resolve issues and make this a (even more so) fantastic release!

I’m trying really hard to like the new theme because I am in favor of progress, but… I’m still not switching from SuiteR. I am more productive in SuiteR - at least until some things get improved in SuiteP…

I filed an issue with my greatest problem:

My second greatest problem is the excessive spacing and padding in SuiteP. Basically, since everybody started browsing the web on mobile, the design tendency has been to make screen elements bigger so we can press with our big fat greasy fingers.

BUT I’m afraid that the opposite also applies. If you’re using a desktop with high resolution and a computer mouse, these interfaces feel terribly oversized, wasting valuable screen space. I’d much rather see more lines of my data without scrolling than have fatter, more spaced buttons and lines. I want to avoid having to go into details by showing more fields in the subpanels… not fatter buttons, larger letters or wider intervals.

And remember that our most common use-case is repeated use. Very repeated. People who see the same screens every day. The initial discovery and learning of the interface takes a secondary position to values like simple productivity, good data-density, etc. So all that Apple-inspired “simplicity” design with fewer options showing, etc. is not what you want in a CRM.

Now, we already have something called “responsive design” which means the design adapts to the current window-size, thus presenting a different site to mobile and desktop users. This is mainly perceptible in the menu and navigation, but it also affects many other things.

My suggestion is: make SuiteP better for the desktop; probably you don’t have to make it worse for mobile in order to achieve this. Just include some handling of spacing and padding (and other ways of compacting things) in the responsive clauses of the CSS code. Or make it configurable in the Theme’s options.

Let me just emphasize that mine is not an aesthetic objection. I’m worried about functionality and productivity.

Thanks and congratulations for all the very hard work of the past weeks!

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I’ve used a logo size 160X160. I think what I may have done is changed the “Home” icon to a custom logo (image) that is not sized correctly. However, the logo would not update from the admin settings side. I’ll have to agree with the previous poster that the mobile styling could use a bit of love, but if you’re already working on it in the next minor update, I’m more inclined to wait than to fix all of the smaller issues. They are about 10hrs worth of styling, which isn’t that much once its fixed right (as far as I can tell). I’ll disagree on the size of the inputs, at least on a 24 in monitor. I’ve attached what I’ve been using - its super clean. What I really enjoy about the new theme is that it is “inviting” to use, which means more time spent in the system by users, inputting in more accurate data. Potatoe - Potato I suppose though.