Suitcrm and mautic integration

Hell friend,
Thanks for all support I’m getting from this community. Please I have one problem with mautic integration with suitcrm. I have done everyyhing right, but I’m getting this error when I run a crob job to fetch all contact and lead from suitcrm. Please people good with PHP should help out I have attached the image.

Thank you.

I don’t know specifics about the Mautic integration, but if this is some kind of add-on that you install, did you run a Quick Repair and rebuild (from Admin/Repairs menu) after installing it?

When you run it, if you get a button at the bottom to “sync vardefs with database”, press it.

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It looks like your Mautic DB doctrine is out of date. You are missing columns in the DB. Google “how to update mautic if it fails” you’ll find some posts on how to run the update from command line and force the DB updates. It’s something like mautic:doctrine:update --force.

Here’s a tutorial I put together. Looks like your doing everything right so far, but my guess is you have a corrupted or failed past update that doesn’t include the proper database tables and columns.

It’s also helpfule to add -v or -vv or -vvv at the end of the ssh command for more indepth error reporting. v is for 'verbose" in varying degrees, with vvv being the most verbose.

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Thank you. But I’m currently Mautic 5.1.1. and I don’t want to go to 5.2 yet. So, should I only update the database?

I have done all these your post suggested. I’m only stock with that error of SQL column not found. But it will end up sync only 1 contact from suitCrm. So, I don’t know if the problem is from mautic or suitCRM

Did you fix the one line of code I listed in the PR?

Also did you gorce a doctrine update?

Thanks, Pstevens for all your help, but I have hit the rock when I try to update the database with this command php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate now my server has crashed. I want to restore my backup to try another means.

Everything has been working fine until I try to pull data from suitcrm to mautic and I discover it only sync 1 account and the rest is not available

Please copy the output of: php bin/console doctrine:migration:status here so I can see it.

Also note, after you do a migration you have to clear the cache. (not sure what you mean by server crash, but unless you clear the cache after an update Mautic will definately “crash”)

php bin/console cache:clear

Sorry I reply late, but my Mautic server got crashed so, I have to restore it here is the php bin/console doctrine:migration:status along other errors I find out

Here is the error I got on suitcrm integration please help me out

Definately, you have 42 database updates to apply that are not applied. This is why you are getting the error column not found because it’s looking for a column in the DB that doesn’t exist because it hasn’t been created… does that make sense?

You can also just manually create those columns in the DB. Go to Mautic’s Github and lookup the Schema and the definition for those columns if you don’t want to apply the docterine update.

Thanks Pstevens,
But do you suggest I apply php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate or create the columns manually? Please put me through thank you.

Also, the last image there why did I have that suitcrm integration error. According to the video you shared, I saw the contacting mapping and the company seesion which you said if the integration is done right, it will show and it did

  • Find schema to create a column manually.
  • Manually create the columns in your database using an SQL client, ensuring data types and constraints match.
  • Clear Mautic’s cache to reflect the changes in the system.

GitHub - mautic/mautic: Mautic: Open Source Marketing Automation Software.

Personally, I would do the docterine update. But you mentioned it crashed your server. Make sure you have a DB backup as it will modify your DB schema.

Okay, I will backup and try again thanks very much

Hello Pstevens,
I run the docterine migrate and it 13 was executed 29 is still new. What do I do please here are the image

did you do the --force switch? in the ssh command? I see you did execute 13 of them. You might want to try the sync again with SuiteCRM and see if you have the necessary columns. I remember at one point there was some issue with different versions of Mautic not having the correct schema. I kind of rememeber at one point I had to go in and add a few columns to the DB.

I did not use --force. I run this php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate and when I run the sync command to get the data from suitcrm it still show the error message. But when I check mautic, I see it has sync few contacts from Suitcrm. Tell me did you add these columns. Thank you

I would try to run the docterine command again with --force first. If still not completing the docterin update, you’l have to add them manually to get through the error message. They are the columns that are not found in your error message, you should add directly in the DB. See the database schema on Github for Mautic to make sure you are adding missing ones correctly.

The other thing that might be relevant is make sure in your contact mapping in the plugin you’re not trying to sync the “mautic contact ID” to the SuiteCRM ID, that won’t work.

is this a correct command?

php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate --force

Understanding Migrations and Schema Update with Doctrine in Mautic - Mautic Knowledgebase