SugarCRM vs SuiteCRM

HI there!

I saw that in SugarCRM they have got Self-Service Portal to grant access for customer to access there CRM(am I correct here?) like wise is there any thing in SuiteCRM?


Yes, there’s something called AOP Portal where users can log in and handle a few (not many) things: cases, documents.

can you explain few more about AOP portal? like how to enable that and how customer access it? need to create an user account for customers?

Dear nazi

(I never thought I would ever write those two words)

now that you have the name you will be able to find all that quite easily in Google.

Technically in SuiteCRM a “user” is an internal CRM user, that logs in to SuiteCRM, whereas the Portal is to serve other people: Contacts. You can enable the Portal for someone in a contact’s edit view.

Alternatively there are also some Wordpress portals out there.


Thanks for your help! …

Thanks for the clarification. I just went back to a contact (in SuiteCRM) and hit the “edit” button. I did not see any way to enable access to the portal. This is the MAIN REASON I installed SuiteCRM.

I have the latest version 7.9.4 installed.

Can someone help me figure this out? Thanks

Check if you have AOP enabled in Admin / AOP Settings

There is some Documentation here:

Then, from the contact, it’s not a field you edit to enable, it’s an action from the Action dropdown (see screeenshots in that link above)

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Thank you, this was very helpful. Based on the documentation, I believe I’m missing a module? I don’t know anything about Joomla. My website is running on Wordpress, does that make a difference?

I have the AOP enabled in the system settings. But the menu “action” is not there when I’m in a contact. Is this something I have to install separately from SuiteCRM?

Yes it’s a separate download

Good luck

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