SugarCRM Professional ==> SuiteCRM Migration

I am trying to migrate from my SugarCRM Porfessional 6.4.0 to the newest Suite CRM

Are there gerneal recommondations to do such thing?

Especially the modules not included in SugarCE but in SugarProfessional are breaking my head.

How to deal with:

  • Quotes ==> AOS Quotes
  • Product Catalog ==> AOS Catalog
  • Teams ==> Security Groups
  • Reports ==> SuiteCRM Reports
  • Custom Fields

Thx for some tips

Best David

Hi yodave85

Have you had a look at the import wizard for Quotes and Products on the admin page?

Once you select the type of module that you want to import data into, click next and at the top of the page is a link to download a csv template. Your task is to export the data from the appropriate sugarcrm table(s) and get it into the csv file for importing.

As for the rest, I feel your head will remain broken :dry:



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