SugarCRM extensions?

Do SugarCRM extensions generally work out of the box with SuiteCRM, or do the upgrades cause conflicts that need a customization?

Is there a list of extensions that are tested to work with SuiteCRM?


Packages for the SugarCRM CE versions 6.5.20 - 6.5.22 should work with SuiteCRM without problems. However it’s always wise to either test the extension before putting it on a live system and/or checking with the extension creator.



Hi Andrew,

Pretty much anything on SugarOutfitters that supports 6.5.* will work with SuiteCRM. Jim’s suggestion to try it out on a test environment first is always a good idea for trying anything new. We will back our 30 day guarantee for SuiteCRM installs.

We have seen some issues with themes, but that’s about it. Most other issues were easily resolved after working with the creators via support.

We are getting close to launching a store specifically for SuiteCRM so that you know that everything on it will support SuiteCRM.

Jason Eggers