I’m trying to upgrade my sugarcrm 6.5.21 to suitecrm using the upgrade wizard in sugarcrm but I keep get a error say “The uploaded file is not compatible with this version of Sugar: SugarCRM System Version: 6.5.21”
Can anyone please keep wit this issue. screen shot below
SuiteCRM currently runs off of the SugarCRM 6.5.20 core.
This means that, for the time being, More recent versions of SugarCRM wont be able to Migrate to SuiteCRM using our package.
You could possibly Export/Import all of your data into a fresh install, but if you do, I would recommend backing up both your Original CRM and original DB, just for safety’s sake.
Sorry, but how can I migrate (or quickly locate) fields and screen customization?
I’ve also a licensed QuickCRM installed over my Sugar CE 6.5.21. Have I to do something to migrate that to SuiteCRM or simply can I reinstall QuickCRM to SuiteCRM with the same license code?