Subpanels showing "No results found" but not empty

Good morning,
I am having trouble with the subpanels.
In my contact module, I want to link some documents, so I go to the subpanel “documents” and I create one, I choose a PDF file, a title etc…
Then I click save, it says me that everything is complete and ok.
Then when I go to my contact detail page and go in the subpanel “Documents” my document doesn’t seems to be there, it displays “No results found”, but I know they are here because it says (1-0 of 2) on the count of document, I actually have 2 documents related to this contact.
Here is a screenshot so maybe it is clearest.

I hope you have a solution for me.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

welcome to the suite-community!

Did you use an admin account, or could you use one for testing? I could imagine that your user might not be allowed to view documents (-> securitygroups/roles).

I am actually using an admin account

Okay, did you find anything like failed query messages in the suitecrm.log-file?
Additionally, could you verify that those files have been uploaded to the webserver?

I don’t find any error message in the log file related to documents, I checked in the database for the documents and yes they are in.


do you recall resolving this?
I have the same issue after upgrading from 7.12.5 to 7.13