Subpanel not working. Onclick the arrow mark displyed error

Hi All,
I have created two custom module and also created realtionship. On detailed view i try to clcik the subpanel its displaying error
“Fatal error: Call to undefined method sd_sub_department::partment_dept_sub_functions_1() in /opt/lampp/htdocs/ERP/devfloretcrm/data/SugarBean.php on line 2944”
Please find the screen shot for the same.

kindly help me to fix the solutions

Have you tried running a Quick Repair & Rebuild and also Rebuild Relationships in Admin -> Repair?

Yes will, I have tired like that but i got the same error. Kindly let me know any other process to retify the same.

Hi Will,
Am getting error for only this module, Other modules i have created relationship it was working fine.
Kindly give the solution for this.

Hi Will,
Kindly help me regarding this. Only this custom module giving the problems.