Subpanel missing for customised detail view

After customising the detail view for a module in custom folder, I am not able to access the subpanel in that detail view. How to access subpanel?

Customising detailview doesn’t influence to subpanels. Let check the file - subpaneldefs.php in custom or system directory.

Okay so subpanel was not created for it, but the relationship one to many is there. So I started creating a customised subpanel and it gave me an error
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function isCollection() on bool in C:\xampp\htdocs\synocrm-baid\data\SugarBean.php:968

I think that it’s syntax mistake in file - subpaneldefs.php .
You wrote “subpanel was not created for it”. Maybe you should create it.

You can switch on log level - ‘debug’ and see more informations.

Error got solved… There was problem in SQL queey

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