Subpanel Label keeps disappearing


I am having this weird issue where a subpanel label keeps disappearing every time I refresh the page. I have to Quick Repair it every time to fix it. It is kinda annoying.

It is a “Documents” Subpanel added to “Quotes” module.

Anybody experiencing something similar?

(SuiteCRM 7.11.22)

Can you please check the label is available or not for the Document Subpanel in file as per defined below path

File Path: custom\Extension\modules\AOS_Quotes\Ext\Language\en_us.customaos_quotes_documents_1.php

Hey, thanks for the suggestion.

I checked and everything looks fine there.

Can you check if the file has the 775 or 777 permission or not.
After giving the permission if it’s not work then give us the Access of your SuiteCRM and Server Details where you hosted your SuiteCRM.

Hey Jessica,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I already had the permission set to 775.

Make sure the label name is properly spelled on the language file under the custom folder. (Somethings label name contains spaces)

Besides that, some files are not read from the custom folder and the system goes back to check the standard folder for the names. That makes the label to disappear from the custom folder.

You should create an issue under github :