Sub-panel doesn't have a "create" button

In the sub-panel “Campaigns” of the module “Contacts”, there is no “Create” button.
Is there something to do for this?
I’ve attached a word doc with 2 screen shots, one of the Relationships of the Contacts module, and one of the sub-panel Campaigns, showing that the Create button is not there.
Could you help?
Kind regards,

It is also true for that sub-panel in the Accounts module…
I hope you can help.
Kind regards,


I am going to go out on a limb here and say that these haven’t been included because of the nature of the relationships between these modules.

Campaigns has a one to many relationship with Contacts, generally speaking the process should be that you create a Campaign independently of a Contact and add multiple contacts/leads/organisations to that Campaign. You could probably code the sub panels to have a Create button if you so wished but it might be just as easy to adjust your process flow.




Hnsoftwareconsulting is not far from the truth. This has been done due to the relationship type. so to explain.

The campaigns subpanel which is on contacts, accounts a another few modules will display the email history/activity of the campaigns which tht contact/account is linked to, so for example if a contact has clicked a link, opened the email then this status would appear in that subpanel.

The subpanel then does not show all the campaigns that contact is related to but any activity which that contact/account has had with any campaigns.

Thank you very much for your replies. Now I understand why there is no “create” button.
I’ll make a few tests and check the results in that sub-panel.
Thanks again,
Kind regards,