Stuck on installation screen

Hi guys

I’m having an issue, the CRM won’t install…

I’ve installed everything ok, DB credentials all good, system accepts and I’m allowed to install… it gets to the installing bit… stays there won’t proceed.
Tried different browsers, different settings etc nothing… it wont budge. :S

Can anyone help me to get it installed? would really appreciate it. I attached a screen shot of my stuck place… :dry:

Allen B)

I’m guessing it’s MAYBE a permissions issue on the FTP?
It’s only a hunch but i honestly can’t work it out… if it is, anyone have suggestions?

Please advise!


What does your logs say? Check the following log files:

  • suitecrm.log
  • install.log
  • php error log (where this is, is depending on your set up).
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I suggest that you also check some of your php.ini variables such as max_execution_time (but there are a few more to check).

And of course, as already suggested: permissions and ownership

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Hey thanks for the reply admin…

I installed using the standards… not sure in the root where these files would be? If i PM’d you access can you help me solve it?


thanks for responding but during the installation process there’s a screen that comes up and confirms all is actually ok… I’ve had no issues with timing etc before with anything else… i’m assuming it’s an error with permissions but I can’t work out what …

If you are on a Linux machine you may try with a script that you can find under my gitHub account.

Additionally you have to set owner and group correctly. For this you should follow instructions from the Forum.

You should also make sure that cron jobs are run by the same owner / group: since they may modify certain filesand folders, therefore if the user is not the same you may lose control of those files and folders.

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Hi Guys

Ok i’ve tried everything and still nada… stuck on same screen, multiple browsers same issue. :pinch:
I’m attaching the config screen for you to see here…

I’ve gone through forums and even fixed the permissions (they were ok the 1st time around) …any ideas?

Please answer precisely the questions you have been asked:

  1. Permissions
    Have you set them correctly?
    How did you do it?
    Have you checked that they are correct after having issued your commands?

  2. File and folders owner / group
    Have you set them correctly?
    How did you do it?
    Have you checked that they are correct after having issued your commands?

  3. System variables
    Please post the values

  4. Logs
    (suitecrm, install, php, apache)
    Have you checked your logs?
    Do they contain any errors?
    Please post them in case there are some.

  5. Install prefilght check
    Unfortunately, most of the times when there are problems, the resposne from this screen is often that everything is ok. This means that, when it shows a problem you know that you have to tackle it. However, when it doesn’t highlight a problem it doesn’r forcedly mean that there actually is no problem.

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The answer is in your logs.

Read samus-aran’s post above, that was the first advice you got : - )

Please answer precisely the questions you have been asked:

  1. Permissions
    Have you set them correctly?
    How did you do it?
    Have you checked that they are correct after having issued your commands?

  2. File and folders owner / group
    Have you set them correctly?
    How did you do it?
    Have you checked that they are correct after having issued your commands?

  3. System variables
    Please post the values that you have
    Keep an eye on these:
    max_execution_time = xx <-- try putting 3000
    max_input_time = xx <-- 3000
    max_input_vars = xx <— 10000
    memory_limit = xx <— 500M
    upload_max_filesize = xx <-- 256M

  4. Logs
    (suitecrm, install, php, apache)
    Have you checked your logs?
    Do they contain any errors?
    Please post them in case there are some.
    When setting php system error variables such as error_reporting, make sure that you are allowing them.

  5. Install prefilght check
    Unfortunately, most of the times when there are problems, the response from this screen is often that everything is ok. This means that, when it shows a problem you know that you have to tackle it. However, when it doesn’t highlight a problem it doesn’r forcedly mean that there actually is no problem.

  6. Browser cache
    Make sure that you clear your browser cache and, possibly close the tab you have used as well as the browser and then reopen a new session. This may also be of help.
    If you don’t know how to clear the browser cache you should search the web and, depending on your browser you will surely find detailed instructions.

  7. PHP, MySQL versions
    Have you checked that the versions of your PHP as well as your MySQL are compatible with the version of SuiteCRM that you are trying to install?

  8. Database and its credentials
    Have you created an empty database before starting the install?
    Are sure that you are using the correct username and password for the database? (during the installation they are, normally on the left side, while on the right side you will find the new SuiteCRM instance admin user.)
    Are you entering the correct database server information? And the port number? (in case you need to specify a port number do it with the database server address and, once installed you can add it in config.php.)
    If you are not sure (better even if you are) I recommend that you create a short php script that accesses the database using the same credentials. Add one table and a few records manually (maybe you can use phpMyAdmin or another equivalent program to do it) and use your script to fetch some information from the db and then output it to the screen.

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First of all I want to THANK YOU VERY MUCH! for the incredible detailed support here… the time and efforts deserves recognition to thank you so much!! I read and went through each and every step and I finally discovered what was going on from the logs…

2017-02-21 18:46:25…Connection made using host:, usr: A*****n <— ( i *** out the name for security) that was the indication, as based on the DB i created, that was NOT the user… So i went back to the initial config page, and I discovered that I was completing the part of adding in a sample user, and the DB was somehow trying to have ‘that’ as the user for the DB…which was odd!

So i basically omitted that part altogether and selected same as admin… ‘boom’ it worked!

All happily installed now!

Thank you awesome CRM community for the help was VERY useful indeed…

Look forward to using this awesome CRM for my business…

You are welcome.

I am glad you have managed!

I have the same problem as you had. But i didn’t understand how you solved it. Please can you tell me in a bit detail. thank you