Strange Email Settings Niggle

I just found an odd niggle when setting up an outgoing email account under ā€˜Email Settingsā€™. Sending a test only works when editing the email account info. If you try to send a test when the fields are not editable i.e. when you revisit/reload the page, the email fails. I tried this in Firefox and Midori and also had a password manager turned on and offā€¦

A bit odd, Iā€™m not sure why this was a problem thoughā€¦

Hi there,

This is a known bug inherited from SugarCRM CE but we aim to resolve this in future releases.



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Good to know - it seems Sugar is riddled with ā€˜small bugsā€™ like this!

Not sure, if I have the same problem. I just setup SuiteCRM latest version and I am not able to send any Test Email on the Email Settings page. It just hangs when it says ā€œPerforming Taskā€ ā€œOne Moment pleaseā€ with the OK button. Is this a known bug? Is there a fix available? I am not able to send email using those settings

Are you sure youā€™ve got the right settings for the email server and you can connect to it successfully i.e. a firewall isnā€™t blocking Suiteā€™s attempts to send email.

Its not a bug its do to with your settings or server.

hi,I have been installed suite crm 7.3 and upon email setting i am unable to receive mail ,but I am getting message says ā€œPerforming Taskā€ ā€œOne Moment pleaseā€ with the OK button. Is their any other settings to be perform either in suitecrm or any configuration settings has to be done with respect to browser ?